Talks and presentations


  • Seminar, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Washington

    February 11, 2025

    Virtual; invited talk
    Title: Advances in multi-fidelity computer experiments: non-additive emulation and active learning


  • ICSDS2024: 2024 International Conference for Statistics and Data Science

    July 10, 2024

    Taipei, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multifidelity computer experiments with target predictive accuracy


  • Annual Meeting and Conference of Chinese Statistical Association

    December 01, 2023

    Hsinchu, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multi-fidelity computer experiments with target predictive accuracy

  • Seminar, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica

    November 02, 2023

    Taipei, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Active learning for a recursive non-additive emulator for multi-fidelity computer experiments

  • Seminar, Department of Statistics, National Chengchi University

    October 30, 2023

    Taipei, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multi-fidelity computer experiments with target predictive accuracy

  • Seminar, TAMIDS, Texas A&M University

    August 28, 2023

    College Station, TX; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multi-fidelity computer experiments with target predictive accuracy

  • Industry 4.0 Technology Implementation Workshop

    August 10, 2023

    Virtual; invited talk
    Title: Statistical emulation, calibration, and optimization for digital twin

  • ISI World Statistics Congress 2023

    July 19, 2023

    Ottawa, ON; invited talk
    Title: mcGP: mesh-clustered Gaussian process emulator for partial differential equation systems

  • 2023 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium

    June 14, 2023

    Ann Arbor, MI; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multi-fidelity computer experiments with confidence

  • Spring Research Conference (SRC) 2023

    May 25, 2023

    Banff, AB; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multi-fidelity computer experiments with confidence

  • Seminar, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews

    January 18, 2023

    Virtual; invited talk
    Title: When epidemic models meet statistics: understanding COVID-19 outbreak


  • Seminar, Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech

    September 15, 2022

    Virtual; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multi-fidelity computer experiments with confidence

  • Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) 2022 Conference

    August 09, 2022

    Washington DC; invited talk
    Title: When epidemic models meet statistics: understanding COVID-19 outbreak

  • Seminar, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica

    July 04, 2022

    Taipei, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multi-fidelity computer experiments with confidence

  • The 5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2022)

    June 05, 2022

    Virtual; invited talk
    Title: Stacking designs: designing multi-fidelity computer experiments with confidence

  • Seminar, Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University

    May 31, 2022

    Hsinchu, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: When epidemic models meet statistics: understanding COVID-19 outbreak


  • INFORMS 2021 Conference

    October 24, 2021

    Virtual; invited talk
    Title: Estimating functional parameters for understanding the impact of weather and government interventions on COVID-19 outbreak

  • Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) 2021 Conference

    August 09, 2021

    Virtual; invited talk
    Title: Multi-level emulator for multi-fidelity simulations

  • UQ Seminar, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    January 05, 2021

    Virtual; invited talk
    Title: Computer experiments with binary time series and applications to cell biology: modeling, emulation and calibration


  • Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) 2020 Conference

    August 04, 2020

    Virtual; contributed talk
    Title: Calibration of inexact computer models with heteroscedastic errors

  • Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles

    February 11, 2020

    Los Angeles, CA; invited talk
    Title: Multi-resolution functional ANOVA for large-scale, many-input computer experiments

  • Colloquium, Michigan State University

    January 28, 2020

    East Lansing, MI; contributed talk
    Title: Applications of computer experiments: emulation and calibration


  • INFORMS 2019 Conference

    October 23, 2019

    Seattle, WA; invited talk
    Title: A clustered Gaussian process model with an application to solar irradiance emulation

  • International Conference on Statistical Distributions and Applications (ICOSDA) 2019

    October 10, 2019

    Grand Rapids, MI; invited talk
    Title: Exploiting variance reduction potential in local Gaussian process search

  • The Fifth International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering (ICISE) 2019

    June 26, 2019

    Seoul, South Korea; invited talk
    Title: Multi-resolution functional ANOVA for large-scale, many-input computer experiments

  • The 3th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2019)

    June 25, 2019

    Taichung, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Exploiting variance reduction potential in local Gaussian process search

  • The 28th South Taiwan Statistics Conference

    June 22, 2019

    Taichung, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Exploiting variance reduction potential in local Gaussian process search

  • Seminar, Academia Sinica

    June 03, 2019

    Taipei, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Multi-resolution functional ANOVA for large-scale, many-input computer experiments

  • Seminar, Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University

    May 24, 2019

    Hsinchu, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Computer Experiments with Binary Time Series and Applications to Cell Biology: modeling, estimation and calibration

  • Research Colloquium, Purdue University

    February 08, 2019

    West Lafayette, IN; invited talk
    Title: Applications of computer experiments: emulation and calibration


  • INFORMS 2018 Conference

    November 04, 2018

    Phoenix, AZ; invited talk
    Title: An efficient surrogate model for emulation and physics extraction of large eddy simulations

  • Workshop on Computer Experiments, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

    July 09, 2018

    Taipei, Taiwan; invited talk
    Title: Calibration for computer experiments with binary responses

  • SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ18)

    April 16, 2018

    Garden Grove, California; contributed talk
    Title: Calibration for computer experiments with binary responses


  • INFORMS 2017 Conference

    October 22, 2017

    Houston, TX; contributed talk
    Title: A generalized Gaussian process model for computer experiments with binary time series

  • Georgia Statistics Day 2017

    October 09, 2017

    Atlanta, Georgia; poster presentation
    Title: A generalized Gaussian process model for computer experiments with binary time series

  • Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) 2017 Conference

    July 29, 2017

    Baltimore, MD; contributed talk
    Title: Multi-resolution functional ANOVA for large-scale, many-input computer experiments

  • ISBIS 2017 Meeting

    June 07, 2017

    White Plains, NY; poster presentation
    Title: Multi-resolution functional ANOVA for large-scale, many-input computer experiments

  • Statistical Perspectives of Uncertainty Quantification (SPUQ) 2017

    May 29, 2017

    Atlanta, GA; poster presentation
    Title: A generalized Gaussian process model for computer experiments with binary time series

  • NAE Regional Meeting

    April 20, 2017

    Atlanta, GA; poster presentation
    Title: Surrogate modeling and data-driven physics extraction of large-eddy simulations


  • 2016 ICSA Symposium

    June 12, 2016

    Atlanta, GA; contributed talk
    Title: Potentially predictive variance reducing subsample locations in local Gaussian process regression

  • Spring Research Conference (SRC) 2016

    June 12, 2016

    Chicago, IL; contributed talk
    Title: Potentially predictive variance reducing subsample locations in local Gaussian process regression

See the map of all the places I've given a talk!